бардык категориялар

Башкы бет>Буюмдар>ЕС БАЗАРЫ>ТИРКЕМЕ

PY2312 Compound fireworks /Crackling,green glittering,blue mine in both sides,White strobe willow & red,green star with red tail  in the middle

PY2312 Compound fireworks /Crackling,green glittering,blue mine in both sides,White strobe willow & red,green star with red tail in the middle

Түрү: Курама салют
Көлөм: 475 * 435 * 230
кадрлар: 108
Түтүк ID: ф30
CBM: 0.058

сурап алуу
продукт чоо-жайы

Compound fireworks contain two 54 shots cake.
Түрү: Курама салют
Көлөм: 475 * 435 * 230
кадрлар: 108
Түтүк ID: ф30
CBM: 0.058
Таңгак: 1/1
ADR: 1.3G
Effect:Crackling,green glittering,blue mine in both sides,White strobe willow & red,green star with red tail  in the middle,Crackling,Ti-gold palm,blue mine in both sides,Ti-gold palm & red glittering with red tail in the middle